
Equitable Webinars

Financial Strategies 101

This seminar explains the advantages of smart financial management, and reviews five financial management components: cash management, risk management, estate planning, investment strategies, tax reduction strategies, and retirement programs.

Summer Planning Checklist

With summer upon us, it is a good time to review your financial strategy and make impactful financial changes for the new school year. Learn about what to prepare and how to go about making effective changes.

Tax Time! Plan Accordingly

Learn some very important financial considerations and actions you may want to take as you start to prepare your taxes.

How Do I Pay for College?

Overview of the need to plan for a college education and the types of planning vehicles available, including UGMA/UTMA, Coverdell savings accounts, and 529 plans.

Family Love Letter

Preparing for the inevitable is a tough discussion. It’s one that many people find difficult to have, especially with those closest to them. Learn how to initiate an open, thoughtful dialogue with your family as you plan for the future and how to honor any final requests. Topics covered: where to find important documents and key contacts; who should care for loved ones and minors; and who you want to handle decision-making if you become incapacitated.

Financial Wellness

This seminar explains the advantages of smart financial management, and reviews five financial management components: cash management, risk management, estate planning, investment strategies, tax reduction strategies, and retirement programs.

Social Security Planning

How is your social security calculated and what are some collection strategies that can affect your financial plan in retirement? In this seminar we’ll go through these things and more on this very important topic.

Working Post Retirement

Collecting income from a post-retirement job can impact your financial situation negatively if not planned for accordingly. We’ll review how working post retirement impacts your social security, taxes, and pension.

Pension Planning

Learn more about your NYS Pension including collection strategies, how to calculate your pension options, taxes, and more.

Life Insurance Awareness

This session outlines the role of life insurance, the beneficial tax treatment of its cash value and different ways to calculate the amount of life insurance one needs. We will also review various types of life insurance and optional riders.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) programs began in 2007 and have come a long way since then. The newest waiver is set to expire in October 2022. This new waiver allows more people than ever to be eligible for PSLF.

Healthcare in Retirement

Healthcare options and benefits in retirement can be confusing and challenging. Join us and our guest presenter, Susan Alldredge (Medicare consultant), to learn the specific details and how to prepare for the future. Download the 2022 Medicare Advantage Clarity Guide.