Impactful Work of DEI – Call for Vanguard Submissions

The challenges of delivering a sound educational experience during these times is a tall order for school administrators, however, the inequities in education and educational resources that were uncovered during the pandemic opened our eyes to how much more needs to be done.

As a result, the New York State Board of Regents issued a challenge to school districts: “The Board expects that all school districts will develop policies that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion – and that they implement such policies with fidelity and urgency.”

Beyond state policy however, is the real and important work that benefits an entire student body in meaningful and sustainable ways. Our school communities include individuals of various races, cultures, economic situations, sexual orientations, and physical and intellectual learning abilities. This issue of Vanguard asks members to share their best diversity, equity, and inclusion practices that work to enhance the educational and social-emotional experiences for all within their school communities.

Here are some specifics to think about when considering a submission:

  • Practical how to’s such as: how to start difficult conversations; how to use data to promote DEI goals; how to communicate with parents and other school community members; or how to look at curriculum and placement decisions with a new lens.
  • Rethinking codes of conduct and responses to student behavior.
    Student voice – how to build a culture that makes student voice a part of the fabric of DEI work.
  • How to make sure DEI goes beyond race to support all students, including those who learn differently, LGBTQ students, and students of poverty.
  • How to build awareness and make DEI goals everyone’s work – including teachers, support staff, facility, and cafeteria and transportation workers.

Please submit articles to by May 23. Submissions should be no longer than 1,500 words.