Administration of Field Tests … Guidance for Principals

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThroughout the past month, SAANYS has been advising members on the administration of upcoming field tests in select districts. We outline that advice here once again …

If you, as the building principal, have been directed not to administer a field test by your superintendent, SAANYS strongly advises you to take the following measures prior to the scheduled administration of such field test:

  • Do not rely on verbal communications. Send a written request to your superintendent asking him/her for a written directive addressed to you reiterating any verbal instructions previously given that you not administer the field test; include in your request the verbal language first communicated to you as you understood it. Also be sure to reference the specific field test and the scheduled date of administration of such test.
  • Should you not receive the requested written directive from the superintendent, but rather further verbal directive to not administer the field test, proceed as directed but be sure to send an additional written communication to the superintendent. Again, include in your request the verbal language communicated to you as you understood it and also your concern over not receiving written guidance from the superintendent. All communications should be kept on file.

It is worth noting that in a communication that SAANYS had with SED on May 11, an SED representative stated in writing that, “There are no specific ramifications specified in Commissioner’s Regulations for school principals whose schools do not administer the field tests.” SAANYS also understands that superintendents have been notified by SED that it expects that the field tests will be administered. We urge all principals to follow the instructions above regarding in-district directives and communications around field tests.

Should you have any concerns or questions, please contact Jim Viola, director of government relations, at