Don’t Retire from SAANYS
by Jennie Pennington, Retiree Advisory Board
Some administrators adjust to retirement more easily than others. Some of us have considered retirement with precise plans concerning activities and second careers. A few of us walk away from career responsibilities with scarcely a reflection concerning what we are leaving or what we have accomplished. Some of us have not planned precisely and are willing to fill temporary positions in education.
These may be interesting, but the assignments may not hold the pleasure or the satisfaction of completing long-range goals, of molding and influencing a school or a department. Whatever our reaction to retirement, most of us miss the people with whom we have spent our professional careers. The responsibility for organizing one´s own time can be challenging, even lonely. And do we care about changes in education? What could and should be the connection with our previous careers? Is there a role for our professional organization in this adjustment?
The membership category “retired active” may seem a misnomer. As an “active” educator, there is often little time for vigorous involvement with SAANYS. As a retired educator, there may be time to be more active, but the connection with education is not always obvious. Those of us who want to use retirement time well need to continue our connection to education. We need to define the role of “retired professional educator.” Retirement mentoring, on-line useful questions about Medicare planning, financial considerations — these are some of the concerns of retired educations. We need to share ideas about our common concerns. SAANYS advocates for a legislative agenda that supports a better retirement, but if we choose to do so we can achieve a practical understanding of professional retiree. “Retired educator” can be a vital and fulfilling transition to retirement.